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Polymeric Sand

Choose the right polymeric sand for your paver project. PBM offers both Alliance Gator Super Sand and Techniseal polymeric sand.

ALLIANCE GATOR SUPERSAND BOND is a unique mixture of polymer binders and calibrated sand available in Beige and Slate Grey. The installation of SUPERSAND BOND is almost identical to using regular paver joint sand except for the application of water. Once SUPERSAND BOND polymeric sand sets, it becomes very firm and locks between the paver joints while still retaining flexibility and providing a long-lasting, durable jointing material. SUPERSAND BOND is recommended for a variety of uses including pool decks, patios, footpaths, driveways, parking spaces, pavements etc.

TECHNISEAL Smart Sand benefits from the Nextgel technology for cleaner application and faster wetting and is backed by a 15-year limited warranty

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